About the Atelier Bracket

Inspired by the vision of creating interactions, Atelier Bracket is an architectural design studio specialized in evolving spaces concerning its function and surroundings. Irrespective of scale and function, every project has an invisible potential thread inside to be standing out in terms of form. The withholding form, which could be felt aged by time, only keep inspires when the wrapping function does the justification. We feel the inscribed function within the form together makes it. Form, Function, Material, Surrounding & People are the parameter defines our designs. Initial approaches bound by the first two parameters. The depth of a project lies in material & how impressively its been applied in detail. Our approach towards fulfillment bound by new material hunt & detail derivation, which makes each project unique. This philosophy that goes beyond the norm makes us unique. Integration of Aesthetics, Technology, and Sustainability open up a wide window of possibilities.

Services Provided
  • Architect